
Friday, March 22, 2019

5 gifts for Gardeners.

Spring has Sprung...and it is time, here in the Northeast, to get into some serious gardening.

I just gave my husband a list of items I would like this year, the majority of which have to do with gardening.

I like to get the flower and veggie beds cleaned up and ready for this year's layer of mulch.

An acquaintance once said she loved mulch so much she "could bathe in it!"

I would not say I like mulch that much, but the smell reminds me of growing up on the farm...the birds singing, trees blossoming, cows...💩

You get the idea!

Here are 5 gifts your special Gardener will enjoy and they won't break the bank. Click on the link below the photo to purchase, or search for the items on the web. Also, I don't receive any monetary commission, goods or services for these recommendations - just want to pass along the goodness.

1) Cottage Hill "Baby Cakes" mini blackberry bush from $23.99. This is really fun if you have children at home as you can grow together.

Blackberry bush 

2) Cottage Hill berry collection: "Baby Cakes" blackberry and "Pink Icing" blueberry from $39.99.

Blackberry and Blueberry bush

3) 45 inch Root Slayer Shovel from around $48. (Hoping to get this for my birthday next month - it will make quick work of outlining the flower beds.)

45" Root Slayer Shovel

4) Hydrangea - picture and link are to LA Dreamin', a beautiful hydrangea with various shades of pink and blue, despite the soil PH. Everyone (in my humble opinion) should have at least one of these beautiful shrubs in their yard. They usually don't like full sun, so pick a spot in the middle of the flower bed, with indirect sunlight but no deep shade. Prices start at around $20.

LA Dreamin' hydrangea

5) A great hat! This ladies hat is from Walmart, and comes in four colors, for just $13.50.

Tirrinia Ladies Wide Brim Sun Flap Cover Cap Adjustable Beach Gardening Hat

  Here's one for Men from Dick's for $20.

Field & Stream Men's Tri-Color Safari Hat

Now get out there and do some digging and planting! And please subscribe to my blog via email, so you don't miss a posting.

Have a great day!


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