
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hats off to the Rule Followers!

Hats off to those of you who follow the rule of practicing patience and courteousness while waiting in line. Plain and simply...waiting your turn!

Recently, we've experienced some pretty unbelievable events. I've come away wondering where some people come from? What planet? What makes them think they are just a little more important than the rest of us?

The line cutter.

The older gentleman who cuts to the front of the line to order his hot dog. I guess he may have been starving...but no. He did not even ask anyone else if we were waiting and none of us said a word to him because we were all so shocked at the action. When later recounting the event, it was even laughable!

The crowd cutter.

The little boy who moves up through the crowd and the parents who follow behind him, all the while telling him to stop pushing in front of others?! This time, several individuals objected loudly and the parents, laughing nervously, grabbed their son and moved back to their place. Is it that important to get to Harry Potter World first - hmm...YES!

And last, but certainly not least...the traffic cutter!

I understand that sometimes unsuspecting travelers are not aware that the off ramp backs up for miles or the lane ends unexpectedly. I've been in this situation and am thankful for the driver who makes room for me to squeeze in the middle of the line. But. come. on. Are people really that oblivious...riding along past all of the cars stopped in line to gingerly tap the breaks, put on the blinker and pry their car in between the tiniest of gaps? This scenario occurs over and over and over and over again - oblivious or just. plain. rude. Some rule followers try to push back and crowd out the last minute traffic cutter by playing a modified game of chicken, but eventually, the rule breaker wins out and weasels their way into the line.

I don't understand and hopefully - no, gratefully never will. I find it difficult to believe people do all of this on purpose - to intentionally push in front of those who have been waiting their turn.

More importantly, these actions cause so many negative reactions - anger, sadness, anxiety, frustration...ranting blog posts - and for what? To save five or ten minutes of waiting time?

It just doesn't seem worth it.

Thanks for letting me vent.


***all of the images were downloaded via free clip art/image sites***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. Why are people in such a hurry? Take a little time to enjoy life. We only go around once on this lifetime! Enjoy every moment!