
Monday, March 11, 2019

Trendy knit hat.


Finally...the knit hat pattern you've been waiting for! 😍

My intention was to share this pattern with you by the end of last week, however, while visiting my parents, my sister stole borrowed that hat and I had nothing to use for my photos!

Luckily, I have plenty of yarn and made another to use as a sample.

Again, this pattern is very easy for those just beginning to knit. It is very forgiving if you make mistakes too. It took me about 6 hours but it will most likely take you less time because I am easily distracted! It is a basic knit pattern based on Lion Brand's Ribbed Earflap Hat without the ear flaps. If you prefer the ear flaps, the pattern is free here.

If you like a simple pattern without the ear flaps, follow the instructions below:

Ribbed Knit Hat pattern


-Approx 87 yards or one skein Lion Brand Wool Ease Thick & Quick yarn, or any #6 or super bulky weight yarn - this color is Bedrock
-straight knitting needles size 13 or 9mm
-large-eye blunt needle to sew in ends
-chunky or adult/child fur pom pom. I made my own by following these instructions.

The gauge is not important here, this yarn is very stretchy.

K - knit
P - pearl
K2tog - knit 2 together (for decrease)
P2tog - pearl 2 together (for decrease)

Pattern based on Lion Brand Ribbed Earflap Hat Pattern:

Cast on 56 stitches
Rows 1-26: *K2, P2. Repeat pattern from * across. Turn work at end of each row and repeat K2, P2 rib for 26 rows.
See ribs forming.

Row 27 - decrease row: *K2, P2, K2, P2tog. Repeat from *across remaining row. (49 stitches)
Row 28: *K1, P2, K2, P2. Repeat from *across remaining row.
Row 29 - decrease row: *K2, P2tog, K2, P1. Repeat from * across remaining row. (42 stitches)
Row 30: *K1, P2. Repeat from * across remaining row.
Row 31: *K1, K2tog. Repeat from * across remaining row. (28 stitches)

Cut yarn leaving approx. 16 inch (40.64cm) tail, thread onto sewing needle and pass through 28 remaining stitches on knitting needle, remove knitting needle and pull yarn tail to draw top of hat together tightly. Use remainder of yarn and needle to sew side seams together to finish off the hat, fasten off and weave in end.

Attach pom pom to top of hat and weave in ends - enjoy!

Have a great day!


P.S. Don't forget to send me the photos of your finished project!

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