
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jammie Day!

According to the Free Dictionary: jammies are loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging.

There's snow in the forecast here in the Northeast for the coming weekend and it is looking like a JAMMIE DAY!

In our family, it was a day of favorite movies and POPCORN! Always popcorn!

I'm ashamed to admit that most of the time, the kids and I would huddle by the fire while Bill was diligently shoveling the drive and walkways. He would appear hours later covered in ice to join our slugfest. (Slug:  meaning the gross, slimy garden creatures found slowly crawling along the walkway or hanging on flower pots.)

Bethany & Joe during one of our many Jammie Days.
Jammie Day = Together Day. Take those days when you can get them, MAKE THEM!

Our children are grown now and off making their own memories and I am missing our Jammie Days. Those sweet times, snuggling with our children are some of my fondest memories.

Fortunately, you don't need rain, or snow, to spend a jammie day with your children. A few extra hours on a Saturday or school holiday counts too. You don't need electronics either, a favorite book or game will suffice.

Even on the sunniest days...snow is in the forecast. 😉

***Content and photos of this blog are owned by kelliinthemiddle and may not be used without written permission in other media or formats***

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thanks Kelli! What a beautiful letter! You know me though, I cried all the time I was reading it! They've come so far since those days!