
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Product review: 3-D Decorative Window Film

When we purchased our 54 year old home last year, it came with some great curtains, furnishings and decorations that were negotiated into the selling price. The prior owners were downsizing too, and it was easier for them to leave these items behind.

Financially, we are in the middle of retiring and are trying to do some inexpensive, but nice, updating.

It's not always easy to see the exact condition of these items until you get into the home and spend some quality time living there. We noticed some older curtains covering the front door side light windows. You can't tell from the picture, but they are no longer white - more of a tan with brown streaks at the bottom of the curtain. Once the curtains were removed, there was evidence of minor water damage at the bottom of the sidelights - the most likely cause of the streaking.

I love the look of these windows and know we will need to replace the entire door unit some day, but for now, we have to make do with what we have.

White, nylon curtain.
I've used the peel and stick window film before and really like how it adds privacy without blocking the light. It will also allow us to keep an eye on the bottom portion of the sidelights where there appears to be some water damage.

I originally envisioned a stained glass effect but once I started looking, this one on Amazon caught my eye.

Actual picture of product via Amazon.

I loved the design, the colors and the positive reviews. It comes in several size options but we ordered the 17.7 x 78.7 inches for $9.99. After measuring the sidelights, this would be enough for both windows with plenty left over (in case of mistakes). Since no one is perfect, the chance of me making a mistake is pretty high!

It is applied by cutting to size, spraying a solution of soap and water on the window, removing the plastic backing, pressing to your window, and then using a squeegee or gift card (in my case) to smooth out the bubbles. It's similar to applying the clear, protective covering of your smart phone, kindle or I-pad. 

Instructions included with package.

Out of the package.

The film comes on a roll and I was a little disappointed when it was opened and appeared as above. On Amazon, the film appeared to be rainbow colored but this did not have any color. What I did not take into account was the weather. Oh dreary skies! I was also a little nervous since it was during a record cold snap...11 degrees at the time of application. No problem though, most likely because I read and followed the directions. 😉

After application, not much color):

From outside before pressing out the bubbles.

 A few days later, this happened - THE SUN CAME OUT AND VOILA!

There's the rainbow!

Hello pretty colors!

Photo taken from right inside the glass - can barely make out the planter on the porch. 

Remember when I said no one is perfect? Oops, a little off on the cut.

Let the Sunshine in!
Other cool features are that the film acts as an insulator, keeping the sun's heat out in the summer and holding heat in during the winter. The film strengthens the glass by adding another layer - if the window is broken, glass fragments are kept tightly attached on the film. Also, it helps to prevent furniture from fading and aging and blocks 96% of the sun's harmful rays. And if we want to change to a different pattern - just peel off the old, and apply the new.

This is a great product for our needs!

Keep in mind the film does not offer complete privacy but blurs an image so it is not recognizable from either side. Be sure to  READ THE DIRECTIONS to successfully apply to the window. Finally, there are a lot of designs available by many manufacturers, so give it a try!

Have a great day!


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