
Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Love Lucy!

This is my friend, Lucy...a beautiful woman who is at peace and without pain. Please take a look at this homepage for the Lucy Fund. It tells you about Lucy and the selfless way she lived her life.

Her Caring Bridge site is: and if you would like to donate: National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR), 4600 East West Hwy, Ste 525, Bethesda, MD 20814. Write The Lucy Fund in the memo and it goes directly to metastatic cancer research.
Lucy Stanovick
The Lucy Fund has raised over $160,000 funding to support metastatic breast cancer research!

Special Thank You to:

Bristol-Myers Squibb Sponsorship of $10,000

The Copy Corner, Inc. for donating the Save the Date postcard for the 5th Annual Party4Life Celebration

Brian Hoskins Donation of $500

Sujuan Ba, NFCR COO spotlights Lucy's courage, and personally vows to carry on Lucy's legacy by making it her lifelong mission to make metastatic cancer chronic, not deadly.
John Stanovick, Lucy's husband, speaks at Party4Life 2012 on the need for increased attention on metastatic research
Lucy Stanovick talks about metastatic breast cancer at the 2011 Party4Life

Lucy was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in 2008 at the age of 42. While there was plenty to read about breast cancer, She found almost nothing about stage IV. It was as if she didn't exist, like she was already a lost cause. While there is no cure, there are therapeutic options, and she made it her mission to get more research and attention focused on stage IV, to make it possible to treat stage IV like a chronic, rather than a deadly, disease.
The fact is that more than 90% of cancer mortalities are due to cancer that has metastasized. Yet very little research, less than 1%, has been conducted on the mechanisms of metastasis and ways to minimize or prevent this occurrence. Lucy knew we could change that. She founded The Lucy Fund to raising funds and awareness for metastatic breast cancer research.
Lucy Stanovick lost her life to metastatic breast cancer on August 16, 2012.  She always knew the research she was funding would not be able to save her.  Lucy's husband John says "my wife's goal, since the very first beginning...was to save one of my basketball players from the first-year team, or the second-year girls I just finished with, or your daughter, or somebody else's daughter. That's what her goal was." Lucy decided to get involved and make a difference.
In Lucy's name and in honor of all of those that have needless died from metastatic breast cancer, NFCR and Dr. Danny Welch are priveleged to carry on the mission of the Lucy Fund - to make Metastatic Breast Cancer CHRONIC, not Deadly.

About Metastatic Breast Cancer
From the Metastatic Breast Cancer Nework website:
Metastatic breast cancer, also known as mbc, stage IV or Advanced Breast Cancer, is cancer that has spread beyond the breast and lymph nodes under the arm. The most common sites of metastases are the bones, lungs, liver and brain.
No one dies from breast cancer that remains in the breast. The lump itself is not what kills. The spread of cancerous cells to a vital organ is what kills. This is called metastasis. A diagnosis of mbc means you are on treatment forever... and that is a good thing. We stay on a treatment for as long as it works. When the cancer cell learns to outsmart the treatment drug, the treatment then fails us and we try another treatment. There is always anxiety connected with a new treatment. Will it work? What are the side effects? What happens if this treatment fails me? Will there be a next treatment available?
Since the War on Cancer began in 1973, much has been learned about cancer.. yet... 40,000 of us continue to die yearly from metastatic breast cancer.....AND many are living longer and stronger and defying the odds! Those with mbc did nothing wrong. The medical team did nothing wrong. Metastatic breast cancer happens... at any time... regardless of age, whether you did chemo, radiation, had a mastectomy, had a bilateral mastectomy, ate well, took vitamins, exercised regularly, prayed, had positive thoughts, had negative thoughts, got regular mammograms, did self exams religiously, had a tiny stage 1 primary tumor, or a stage 0 primary tumor, or a stage 3 primary tumor, or never even had primary breast cancer. It doesn't matter.
Funding research to make metastatic breast cancer CHRONIC, not DEADLY.

Franklin Salisbury, Jr, NFCR President, Dr. Danny Welch, NFCR Center for Metastasis Director, Dr. Sujuan Ba, NFCR COO, with John & Lucy Stanovick, Founder of The Lucy Fund and Annual Party4Life Celebration, at the 2012 Party4Life

If you want to receive the Lucy Fund e-newsletter, please fill in the form below or connect with Facebook.

Lucy Fund and NFCR Supporter Cory Romanowski
NFCR President Franklin C. Salisbury, Jr. Speaking about Metastatic Breast Cancer Research

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